We believe that we have been called by God to grow our family by adopting a son from Haiti. His name is Aaron. You can read more info about our story by reading "How it all began"
We are so thankful for the support that we have received so far from families, friends and even complete strangers! Your prayers, words of encouragement, helpful information and support mean so much to us and are actually testimonies to us about God's love for us as he loves on us ( and on our son) through YOU!
International adoption is very expensive. Some families who would love to adopt are frightened by the overwhelming costs. Many more families would probably adopt if the financial obstacles were not so imposing. We believe that if we wait to begin the adoption journey by first saving up the estimated $30,000 it will take to bring our son home, then we are not moving by faith. Waiting actually limits God's plan by putting the limits of human conditions on God's call to care for the son that he has placed in our hearts. Faith is moving not by what we can see or have in hand right now...it is moving with the assurance that we will have what we can not see. In this way God gets ALL the glory for providing the financial resources that we need. We know that we could never do it alone!
God's plan has always been for his children to function together. So, here is where you come in. We believe that if we try to come up with the money all by ourselves then we will be robbing others of the opportunity to invest in the plans of God and robbing them of a blessing that comes with taking care of the orphans of this world. With that in mind, we want to give you an opportunity to partner with the great plans that God has for our family.
God has given us several ideas of ways to help offset the costs of adoption and to give others the opportunity to live out God's instructions to care for the fatherless. We will be posting details about those opportunites on our blog home page as well as on this page. Here is the exciting part: You can be a part of Aaron's story!
The biggest way that you can be a part of our story is to PRAY for our family, and then, if you feel led, please donate. Here are some of the financial ways that you can participate in Aaron's story:
* There is a donation button on our home page to the right. This is a secure way to donate through paypal using your credit or debit card. All donations will go 100% toward Aaron's adoption.
* We will be posting updates on current partnering opportunities that are going on as they develop. God has given us some great ideas and we can't wait to share them with you! Stay Tuned!!
Words can't adequately express our gratitude for what God is doing through others to support our family.....but we do want to say....THANK YOU!!!! We know that God is going to return your kindness shown to this family many times over!
We are so thankful for the support that we have received so far from families, friends and even complete strangers! Your prayers, words of encouragement, helpful information and support mean so much to us and are actually testimonies to us about God's love for us as he loves on us ( and on our son) through YOU!
International adoption is very expensive. Some families who would love to adopt are frightened by the overwhelming costs. Many more families would probably adopt if the financial obstacles were not so imposing. We believe that if we wait to begin the adoption journey by first saving up the estimated $30,000 it will take to bring our son home, then we are not moving by faith. Waiting actually limits God's plan by putting the limits of human conditions on God's call to care for the son that he has placed in our hearts. Faith is moving not by what we can see or have in hand right now...it is moving with the assurance that we will have what we can not see. In this way God gets ALL the glory for providing the financial resources that we need. We know that we could never do it alone!
God's plan has always been for his children to function together. So, here is where you come in. We believe that if we try to come up with the money all by ourselves then we will be robbing others of the opportunity to invest in the plans of God and robbing them of a blessing that comes with taking care of the orphans of this world. With that in mind, we want to give you an opportunity to partner with the great plans that God has for our family.
God has given us several ideas of ways to help offset the costs of adoption and to give others the opportunity to live out God's instructions to care for the fatherless. We will be posting details about those opportunites on our blog home page as well as on this page. Here is the exciting part: You can be a part of Aaron's story!
The biggest way that you can be a part of our story is to PRAY for our family, and then, if you feel led, please donate. Here are some of the financial ways that you can participate in Aaron's story:
* There is a donation button on our home page to the right. This is a secure way to donate through paypal using your credit or debit card. All donations will go 100% toward Aaron's adoption.
* We will be posting updates on current partnering opportunities that are going on as they develop. God has given us some great ideas and we can't wait to share them with you! Stay Tuned!!
Words can't adequately express our gratitude for what God is doing through others to support our family.....but we do want to say....THANK YOU!!!! We know that God is going to return your kindness shown to this family many times over!