Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012 and update

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!
Let me start by apologizing for being such a slacker when it comes to updating this blog. As I stated several months ago, there hasn't been much change in the adoption process so I guess I just didn't want to acknowledge that we were at a stand still by typing it all out in black and white. As some of you know we are expecting a little girl on Nov 21 and I have been on bedrest for the last 6 weeks. Seeing drs twice per week and all that the pregnancy has involved has only slowed us down even further but we know that God's timing is perfect so I have tried not to stress over it too much.
We heard in October that Haiti reopened the IBSR for adoption applications but because we had not begun putting our US Dossier together, there wasn't anything to submit. I have to admit that with all of the activity in the last few weeks with the pregnancy I have not been diligent at pursueing the info that we need to get going again. We purposely did not begin the US Dossier because there are time limits on those documents and didn't want to waste the money having them done only to have them expire before Haiti reopened for adoption. We also need to locate a Hague approved agency that can do our homestudy and so far I have not been able to secure one in the state of Georgia. I will not stop looking though. A wonderful relative of Lester's has since stepped forward after talking to one of Lester's sisters about our adoption and says that she feels that God has led her to help with securing the funds for the adoption. I won't deny it. That is one of the MAJOR obstacles that we have right now. (BUT GOD is our waymaker). Donna has advised me that we need to secure a non profit 301C status for our ministry so that businesses and those that do not know us will feel more comfortable giving toward our mission. That is the where the first monies that are donated will go. We have the paperwork in place and now just need the money to complete it. Here is some info that Donna sent to me about the first efforts that she has begun: We will be having a craft/bake & yard sale Saturday, December 1st, from 9-4 in Brunswick. (exact location will be decided Tuesday). We need donations of any craft items, back goods, or anything else you have to sell in the yard sale. We will also have extra tables for any crafters wishing to sell their own goods. We will charge $10 and the donation of one of your craft items for a table. Any volunteers to help with the sale will be greatly welcomed. You can contact Donna Wilson to arrange pick up of any donations, to volunteer, or to rent a table. Contact @ or 912-230-7954. Please open your hearts and be generous. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this would be Aaron’s last year without a home and his own family to celebrate Christmas with. Love and Blessings to everyone. She also contacted The Brunswick News about our story. Bethany Leggett interviewed us last Thursday and our story was featured in the weekend edition yesterday.
The baby is due in 10 days and after we get settled I hope to be more diligent in seeking the Hague approved agency we need to begin the homestudy. We would love to have the money in hand to get that going as soon as we find one. Those run approximately $2500.00. We also need to find out about the new guidelines that were put into place for Haitian adoptions as of November 1. We have heard conflicting things about what the changes are. I hope to find something solid out about that soon. In the meantime, Emory is in Haiti doing some scouting for a new location for ministry for him and Mary. While there, he is going to try to get death certificates for Aaron's parents for us. Having him do some of the legwork for us is such a blessing as we can not afford to travel to do these things right now and of course, I can't due to being pregnant. Well, there that is. If you are not familiar with our story, please take the time to browse back through the archives of posts and read about our sweet little man. If God lays it on your heart to help, please do. We know that God will provide for what he has called our family to do but we don't want you to miss out on the blessing of getting to partner with us in it! God's richest blessings to you and yours! Shelby and Lester